Thursday, January 18, 2007

The US has an aging population problem as well


While the population of the US is aging, it is not in near as bad shape as is Europe. That is not to say that everything will be fine for the US, it won’t.

An aging population, especially in a nation with entitlement welfare programs like Social Ssecurity and Medicare, can put a terrible strain on the economy overall.

Fed Chairmen Bernanke recently warned congress that their continued failure to address the problems associated with the budgetary strains caused by an aging population can lead to serious economic harm to the nation.


Left unchecked, the costs of so-called entitlement programs, such as Social Security and Medicare, are set to soar as increasing numbers of the baby boom generation retire.

"Dealing with the resulting fiscal strains will pose difficult choices for the Congress, the administration, and the American people," Bernanke said.

"However, if early and meaningful action is not taken, the U.S. economy could be seriously weakened, with future generations bearing much of the cost," he added.

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